Title I Parent Involvement Policy Reminders
As Title I schools, we are required to inform you of the following items:
● That you may request information regarding the professional qualifications of your student’s classroom teachers and classroom paraprofessionals.
● That the school must notify you if your student is instructed for four continuous
● weeks by a teacher that does not meet the definition of “highly qualified”.
● That you may request access to your student’s state assessment scores.
● That an annual evaluation is conducted of our Title I program, and that you have the right to be actively involved in this evaluation that includes parent involvement policies and activities.
● Each Title I school has convened an annual meeting to which all parents of
● participating children are invited for the purpose of explaining the Title I program, its requirements, and their right to be involved, including parents of children who are disabled, migrant, or Limited English Proficiency (LEP).
● Each year, we want to remind parents about access to our district and school
● “Report Cards”. Information can be found by following the link on our district website at http://www..usd253.org or using the Kansas State Department website at http://online.ksde.org/rcard/county.aspx?cnty no=056.
- Title I