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School Closings Emergency

School Closings Emergency

(Refer to Board Policy EBBD and JBH) 

Parents and students shall be notified of school closings or cancellations due to severe weather, health or safety concerns, or other circumstances, by announcements made over the following media outlets and/or modes of communication: 

● KVOE 1400 AM /101.7FM - Emporia 

● Emporia Gazette online - 

● WIBW Channel 13 - Topeka 

● USD 253 website – 

● Parent Square - Parent Square will be our primary source for distributing information to our parents and families. Instructions for using this platform can be found on the ‘For Parents and Families’ page of the district website at .

During an emergency period when there is insufficient warning time, the district will keep all students under school jurisdiction and supervision. Staff shall remain on duty to supervise students during the emergency periode. Parents may come to school and pick up their children. Students shall be released according to board policy for the release of students during the school day. 

  • Health and Safety