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Guidelines for Acceptable Use

Guidelines for Acceptable Use

Users shall adhere to the following guidelines for acceptable use: 

● All use of the Internet will be in support of educational activities. 

● Users will report the misuse and breaches of network security. 

● Users shall not access, delete, copy, modify, nor forge other users’ emails, files, or data.

● Users shall not use other users’ passwords nor disclose their password to others. 

● Users shall not pursue unauthorized access, disruptive activities, nor other actions commonly referred to as “hacking,” internally or externally to the district. 

● Users shall not disclose confidential information about themselves or others. 

● Users shall not utilize unlicensed software. 

● Users shall not access or permit access to pornography, obscene depictions, or other materials harmful to minors 

● Students shall not disable or attempt to disable Internet filtering software. 

● Utilization of the network to disseminate non-school/work-related material is discouraged 

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