Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
(Refer to Board Policy JDDA)
Maintaining drug-free schools is important in establishing an appropriate learning environment for the district’s students. Unless otherwise specified in this policy, the possession, use, sale, or distribution, and/or being under the influence of illicit drugs, controlled substances, and/or alcohol by students at school, on or in school property, or at school-sponsored activities or events is prohibited. As a condition of continued enrollment in the district, students shall abide by the terms of this policy. Students shall not manufacture, sell, distribute, dispense, possess, or use, and/or be under the influence of illicit drugs, controlled substances, or alcoholic beverages at school, on or in school district property, or at any school activity, program, or event. Any student violating the terms of this policy will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement officials and will be subject to school discipline policies.
- Student Conduct/Discipline