Directory Information
Rights of Parents and Students
Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents of students and eligible students (those who are 18 or older) are afforded various rights with regard to educational records which are kept and maintained by the Emporia public schools. In accordance with FERPA, you are required to be notified of those rights which include:
I. The right to review and inspect all of your educational records except those which are specifically exempt. Records will be available within 45 days of the day the district receives a request for access.
II. The right to prevent disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in your educational records to other persons with certain limited exceptions. Disclosure of information from your educational records to other persons will occur only if:
A. we have your prior written consent for disclosure;
B. the information is considered “directory information” and you have not objected to the release of such information; or
C. disclosure without your prior consent is permitted by law. Including:
1. The district may disclose, without your consent, personally identifiable information to school officials with a legitimate educational interest.
2. The district shall disclose, without your consent, education records to officials of another school district in which a student seeks to enroll or intends to enroll.
III. The right to request that your educational records be amended if you believe the records are misleading, inaccurate, or otherwise in violation of your rights. This right includes the right to request a hearing at which you may present evidence to show why the record should be changed if your request for an amendment to your records is denied in the first instance.
IV. The right to file a complaint with the Family Policy and Regulations Office at the U.S. Department of Education if you believe that the Emporia School District has failed to comply with FERPA’s requirements. The address of this office is 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Room 4074, Washington, DC 20202-4605.
V. The right to obtain a copy of district policies for complying with FERPA. A copy may be obtained from the district website, or the clerk of the board at 501
VI. Federal legislation states that military recruiters and institutions of higher education are entitled to directory information under the FERPA standards which allow parents to withdraw that entitlement in writing.
Directory Information
For purposes of FERPA, the Emporia School District has designated certain information contained in educational records as directory information which may be disclosed for any purpose without your consent. This information would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The following information is considered directory information: name, address, telephone number, parent or guardian, date and place of birth, electronic mail address, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, honors and awards received, the most recent previous school attended by the student, class designation or grade level, enrollment status (e.g., full-time or part-time), major field of study and photographs.
You have a right to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the above information as directory information. If you refuse, you must file a written notification to this effect with the building principal at enrollment each school year. If a refusal is not filed, the district assumes you have no objection to release of the directory information designated.
- Annual Notice to Parents and Students of Rights Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act