Concealed Recordings
(Refer to Board Policy KGB)
Unless otherwise provided in this policy or policy JGGA, individuals are prohibited from recording students, employees, and/or board members surreptitiously or through the use of concealed audio and/or visual recording devices. This prohibition is in effect at school, on or in district property, and at meetings and conferences held for educational or disciplinary purposes.
Exceptions to this prohibition include the use of video surveillance throughout district facilities and in district vehicles, provided in accordance with JGGA; the recording of meetings subject to the Kansas Open Meetings Act; the recording of due process hearings or student disciplinary hearings for evidentiary purposes; recording of students for use during the student’s evaluation or provision of special education services with the principal’s prior permission; and the recording of a school sponsored activity, program, or event which is open to the general public. Individuals wishing to record students, employees, or board members at school, on or in district property, or at meetings and conferences as previously described shall first notify the superintendent or building principal in advance. If such recording is not prohibited by law or policy, the administrator shall allow the recording and may make arrangements to record on behalf of the district.
- General Information