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Accommodating Students With Diabetes

Accommodating Students With Diabetes

Accommodating Students with Diabetes

(Refer BOE Policy JGFGBB)

Self-care of diabetes may be allowed for students in grades K-12. To be eligible, a student shall meet all requirements of this policy. Parents or guardians shall submit a written diabetes management and treatment plan from the student’s health care provider. The student shall provide written authorization from the student’s health care provider and parent or guardian stating the student has been instructed on managing and caring for their diabetes and is authorized to do so in school. An annual written renewal of parental authorization for the self-care of diabetes shall be required. While at school, each student capable of managing and caring for the student’s diabetes will be allowed to:

● Perform blood glucose level check

● Administer insulin through the delivery system the student uses

● Treat hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia

● Possess the supplies or equipment necessary to monitor and care for their diabetes

● Otherwise attend to the management and care of the student’s diabetes in the classroom, in any area of the school, on school grounds, or at any school-related activity. Notwithstanding the above, the district reserves the right to put reasonable place and manner procedural safeguards in place for the safe and nondisruptive exercise of such rights by students with diabetes.

  • Health and Safety