In an ongoing effort to save paper and increase access to information for families, our district is moving from paper distribution to online posting of community flyers.
The Board of Education has established policies that limit the distribution of free materials in schools by outside groups. USD 253 Board of Education Policy KI-R Distribution in Schools states: No student shall be forced to participate in the distribution or receipt of any non-school materials in the schools.
Therefore, no materials subject to this policy will be distributed to every student in a school/grade/class. Materials subject to this policy will be posted on the district’s website and some paper copies will be placed in a location within the school that is accessible to all students and parents. No school will distribute items subject to this policy without first receiving notification of approval for distribution from the Central Office.
All requests to distribute/post materials must be made to the district along with a sample copy of the material prior to the date on which the distribution is requested. Once the request has been approved, copies of the flyer can be taken to each school. School office staff will accept the flyers and they will be placed in the school distribution box or distribution location.
An application to distribute materials is available at the Board of Education Office, 1700 W. Seventh Ave, or by filling out the Distribution Request Form.
Complete the application form and submit sample documents to or deliver them to Mary Herbert Education Center Room 115 at 1700 W. Seventh, Emporia, KS 66801. For information, call 620-341-2200.
- Materials must be free of text, graphics, or other references to topics that are inappropriate for school-age children including, but not limited to, profanity; weapons; illegal activities; violence; obscenity; discrimination; or tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs.
- The flyer (in PDF format) should contain:
- Name of organization and contact information
- Date of event or activity
- Deadline for registration
- If the flyer is approved, the District Community Relations Office will post it to our website.
- Flyers will be posted for a maximum of 2 months and will be removed from the site once the information is out of date. Requests for approval or questions should be emailed to
The district reserves the right of final approval for the posting of any flyer and may deny permission for any reason consistent with federal or state law or district policy, procedures, or practices.